Stories by talha
A baking story
A chef from Burke is delighted when she gets the chance to take part in the final of a baking competition. However, her chances are scuppered when she is kidnapped. After the drama, the chef realises there is more to life than winning a baking competition and goes on to have a happy, rounded life..
The hero is a worlock from Kitchener who is particularly good at magic. The nemesis is a worlock who makes up nasty stories. The hero goes on a long quest and ends up bringing down the nemesis.
When an electrician from Minneapolis learns the secret to world peace, not everybody is supportive. However, his fortunes improve when his gardener sets up a YouTube channel. Eventually, the electrician realises that he has always been a worthwhile person and does not need to change.
A rower from Wigan is delighted when she gets the chance to take part in the final of a singing competition. However, her chances are scuppered by an angyy horse. After the drama, the rower realises there is more to life than winning a singing competition and goes on to have a happy, rounded life...
Fire fighter
When a fire fighter from Cape Town learns the secret to world peace, not everybody is supportive. However, her fortunes improve when her step-sister find a misplaced key. The fire fighter realises her step-sister is a true friend and they ride off into the sunset together.